13 Apr April 20th is BBB Secure Your ID Day

Secure Your ID Day – April 20th


American Exchange Bank will be hosting a commercial shred truck in its South Lot on Friday, April 20th.  The truck will be on-site from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM and will be free of charge to the community.


Better Business Bureau (BBB)

The BBB recommends the following record retention of documents:


Credit Cards/Purchasing Documents

Contracts                                                             6 Yrs after termination

Credit Card Receipts                                       After reconciliation with your monthly statement

Sales Receipts                                                   6 Yrs



Bank Documents

Deposit/Withdrawal slips                             After reconciliation with your monthly statement

Bank/Credit Card Statements                     7 Yrs

Cancelled Checks                                             7 Yrs



Investment Documents

IRA Contribution Statements                      Permanent

Pension/Profit Sharing Returns                 Permanent

Retirement/Savings Plan                              Permanent



Insurance Documents

Insurance Policies                                            6 Yrs after termination of policy

Settled Insurance Claims                              4 Yrs after termination of policy



Tax Documents

Income Tax Payment checks                       Permanent

Income Tax Returns                                        7 Yrs from filing date

Medical bills (if tax related)                         7 Yrs

Records for Tax Deductions                         7 Yrs



Home/Residence Documents

Bills                                                                        1 Yr

Deeds/Mortgages                                           Permanent

Legal Correspondence                                   Permanent

Medical Bills                                                       3 Yrs

Contracts                                                             6 Yrs

Birth/Marriage/Divorce Certificates         Permanent



Source: NY State Department of Consumer Protection and USA.gov
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